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School's Almost Out! We Talk Teacher Gift Advice - One Teacher Reveals: Do They Expect Anything? Our Top 10 Teacher Gifts 2022!

It's nearly that time of year again! Get your ideas book out for things to keep the little ones occupied, because school is nearly out for Summer! Of course, that brings with it sports days, end of year shenanigans and teacher gifts. That being said, what if the purse strings are a little tighter this year? We got the goss on what teachers really think about this time of year, and if you are that way inclined, one teacher reveals what kinds of gifts would they truly appreciate, as well as our Top 10 Teacher Gift ideas for 2022.
1. Do teachers really expect gifts?
The short answer - No. "I can tell you now, I don't know any teacher that ever thinks about gifts around this time of year" says one local Birmingham teacher. "In all honesty, we're usually so busy trying to fit lessons or end of year things in - assemblies, sports days etc... that we don't really have time to think about it! We never expect anything, and of course it's so kind of the children (and parents!) when we are given something - it's so lovely and appreciated, but especially with the way things are at the moment with regards to the cost of living, we would never want anybody to be worried at this time of year, especially with the kids to entertain for six weeks - that never comes cheap!"
2. If you were to receive a gift, what would you choose?
"We're happy with anything - it sounds cliche but it really is the thought that counts - the fact that somebody has thought about us. I've had some lovely things in the past - handmade cards, chocolate (food is always appreciated, especially when I take them home!) - I did receive a handmade pen pot one year which I proudly displayed on my desk. The other thing to think about is that not everybody has that disposable income, and with some kids having several teachers, it can be difficult to know who to buy for and where to draw the line  - if you are thinking of buying for your child's teacher this year, please know that token gifts are more than enough! Anything consumable or practical is always appreciated!
My other piece of advice, is that it shouldn't come from a place of obligation.
I know one teacher whose class all put together, speaking from a cost perspective that could be a good idea, but really any token of gratitude is very much appreciated - please don't stress!
...that being said when we are offered something lovely, we do love to show off in the staff room, haha!" 
* * *
...and finally, would you mind helping us pick out your top 10 teacher gift ideas from our website?
1. POP-SHOP-Confectionery-Box
3. POP-SHOP-English-Breakfast-Loose-Leaf-Tea
6. Garden-Birds-Enamel-Mug
7. Phrenology-Storage-Tins-Temerity-Jones
8. Bay-Rosemary-Lotion-St-Eval
9. English-Flora-Bath-Set
10. Thornback-Peel-Pheasant-Hankies
Miss: "You know how I feel about consumable gifts - they are definitely a top teacher pick! It doesn't matter if it's something I love, or something that I haven't tried before - it's win/win! Stationery - (LOVE that notebook) is a brilliant but underutilised gift! Especially one with more of an academia feel - what a good idea! Most teachers I know are really into their stationery - and something I can use in the coming year would be a great idea! That goes for the enamel bird mug (cute!) and the blue pen pot too! The lotion, candles and bath gift box are all gorgeous - what a good idea to give something you can use to chill out with... and those pheasant hankies! Perfect to keep in my pocket during hayfever and cold season to stop me reaching for the tissues mid-class!"
We hope this helps - if it has feel free to let us know in the comments!
Wishing you a happy and stress-free wind down to Summer!
The Pretty Odd Team x

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