Pretty Odd Blog — Gift Ideas RSS

The Art of Simple Gift Giving at Christmas - What 2020 Has Taught Us.

It's almost that time of year - We've barely put away our Halloween decorations (some of us begrudgingly!) and yet the first signs of Christmas are already here! (We're totally not helping here either... ha!) I heard my first Christmas song in the supermarket today... and every item of confectionery now seems to come in a novelty Christmas shape (why DO they taste better?!) However, whether you love it or loathe it, December will soon be here.

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"Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again." - C.S. Lewis

There has been many a discussion on the kinds of products we wanted to offer as we've grown from an travelling afternoon tea and event planner, into a fully fledged store (there is much more to come - you'll see!) but the one thing that did always stick with us, was the value of taking time out and gathering with friends and loved ones (the irony of this year has not been lost on us!)

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